
Thursday, January 10, 2019

Pegboard in the Makerspace

As our elementary school library makerspace develops, I am constantly on the look out for new ideas. I LOVE the idea of using golf tees in a pegboard for students to design their visions!

 I am lucky that my father-in-law gave me his pegboard, which I used at home for my crafting space for a long time. When we moved, it moved to the basement. Now I'm glad I didn't throw it out! This makes it it's third life!

My fabulous custodian built a box around the existing frame, which is important so that it stays far enough away from the wall for the pegs to both stay in and to not poke the wall. He then hung it in our library.

 The golf tees are 2 3/4 inch and were ordered off of eBay in a variety of colors.

 I made this instruction sheet to hang alongside it and as students create designs, I plan to take pictures of them and post them around the area for others to take inspiration from!

I can't wait to see what the students create!